[0.1.0] - The Endless Mindless Eating Update

RogueWeight [0.1.0] - The Endless Mindless Eating Update

Hey everybody, I've made a bunch of adjustments and additions to help wrap up this jam entry a bit. Here's the post-jam patch notes for this update:


  • added a secret room on every floor
  • secret rooms come with unique layouts featuring new items
  • adjusted wall lighting to hide unseen tiles better 


  • significantly increased Erith's visual weight limit
    • max visual weight is now around ~20000lbs
  • significantly nerfed base def scaling with weight
  • sneak attacks now bypass enemy armor


  • 0-fd items can now be consumed while overstuffed
  • heart fd has been reduced to 0, and gives a small amount of nutrition in addition to normal healing
  • eating a bootleg buster sword now boosts damage by 1-2 instead of 0-3
  • fixed a bug related to infinite breast expansion from drinking milk


  • sneak attacks now bypass enemy armor
  • sandwiches now move and attack at x1.5 speed
  • cake behavior reworked
    • cakes now physically restrain Erith and force feed their entire mass, stunning her for a number of turns and dealing true damage if she is already stuffed
    • cakes move and attack at half speed to compensate
  • donuts give +1 max dmg instead


  • added dew grass, which are tall plants that block your line of sight
  • the room that Erith spawns in is now always clear of items/enemies


  • sleeping has been nerfed a bit
    • now takes 2 turns
    • stomach capacity increases only if healing overflows
  • a mimic sack now replaces the missing sack on the boss floor


  • fixed floor level indicator not resetting after restart
  • capped FPS to 120
  • added tooltip for highlighting tiles and displaying names
  • UI now scales to larger resolutions


  • the game is saved upon closing the window while in the dungeon
  • you can resume a game from the start menu
  • dying/winning will erase the save


To enter the endless floors, head south of the spawn room on the boss floor to find the entrance.

  • floor sizes are fixed but large
  • every floor has a chance to spawn a mimic sack, chance increases every floor up to 15%
  • enemy/item spawns increase in frequency every floor
  • contains larger food monsters exclusive to endless
  • i haven't tested anything past floor 10, so any performance issues are at your own risk!

This update will be provided as a separate download from the jam download, and the in-browser version will remain as the initial jam release version until jam judging is finalized.

Personally, I don't think these changes are all that mechanically interesting given that this game quickly devolves into eating everything, but hopefully it provides an outlet for those who wanted to see Erith get a little more fatter. 


So, I do recognize that this game has been well-received by a lot of people, and I believe this game has great potential to be fleshed out in its design. However, I'm not ready to focus everything towards developing RogueWeight just yet. I want to try to develop a few more games before tackling a project as complex as the roguelike I had originally envisioned for this game. 

Unfortunately, this means content updates for this game will be put on hold for now, but I will get back to developing this game in the future. For the time being, thank you for playing RogueWeight!


RogueWeight-Windows-PostJam[0.1.0].zip 83 MB
4 days ago

Get RogueWeight [Jam Edition]


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it would be nice if there was a way to block the eating of sacks :)

good game bro


I'll continue this run later. Loving the endless so far. Of course, I'd love some massive jiggly boobs that may or may not lactate. But i understand this is specifically a weight-gain game so there is only so much you'd want to do. Still, thank you for this masterpiece!

(1 edit)

Can you show how to go to endless floors? I cant understand what need to do

Spoiler Text Test Once you've reached the boss floor, eat any of the walls south of the room you spawn in. This should open up a secret room containing a hole leading to the first endless floor.

This is absolutely amazing so far, keep up the good work. Got my ass whooped on boss floor because I didn't realize how many MORE enemies there would be (loved it). I know this is more of a weight game submission but for the post-jam version I would definitely LOVE larger breasts.